Sib37's Home on the Web

Welcome to my webites. I have changed most things but some things are still the same. Look around and sign the guestbook. Tell me what you think...unless you are Hotham.

What I have and where it is
You are at the Home Page now

To read some funny quotes go to the "Quotes Page"

The photo pages are full of pics from Thomas College, the TC Baseball team, a few gems of my buddies back home in Western Mass and some from Cameron Indoor

The Flashback Page will have a photo from yesteryear

Thank you for coming. Please come again. You never know, it may have changed if you don't check for a while.

Visitors to my site since 5/23/01 9006

Everyone who drops me a line will get thier ideas or comments considered...all except for Don

DISCLAIMER: The Simpsons are a property of the Fox Corporation, all rights reserved. I am just a fan and not authorized by the Fox network. No profit has been made, or will be made by this website.